Event Details

In recent weeks, applying for a Visa to enter the Philippines or just travel to the country has gone through many changes. These regulations and procedures have changed so often that people are getting confused about how to go about them. NordCham Philippines, as well as other chambers and associations, has been getting inquiries regarding this. There is a growing concern within the business community about the effects the travel restrictions, and visa application procedures will have on their businesses.

We have invited Analyn Cauinian, Visa Manager, and Lorenzo Miguel Timan, Visa Services Assistant Manager at Kittelson & Carpo Consulting, Inc.,to guide us through the application process for an AEP, 9G visa, and travel exemption with government agencies concerned.

We encourage you to join us on 31 August 2021, from 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM, to get a better understanding of the procedures and restrictions as well as be able to have your questions answered by people who process these requirements regularly.

Registered participants will get the Zoom details an hour before the event starts.


NordCham Business Partner (Member): FREE

Non-Member: 500PHP


NordCham Member
Member Price Complimentary

Payment must be made upon registration.


Premium Business Partners
