
In recent years, a growing number of companies around the world have voluntarily adopted and implemented a broad range of sustainability practices. The Forum will address what government leaders and business executives can jointly do to achieve inclusive growth. Government and business leaders are called upon to implement the social, economic, and environmental dimension of running government and business, incorporating a holistic and balanced approach that incorporates ending poverty, reducing inequalities and combating climate change in order to achieve the local and international agenda of sustainable development.

With this topical Advocacy Forum, EITSC and NordCham endeavor to spearhead discussion and dialogues amongst private sector, government, civil society, and other stakeholders to deliver what has been promised to United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and is now imposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Event Objectives:

A. The Forum will debate actions in 3 economic sectors of the Philippines:

โ€ข Agriculture: Development of supply chains

โ€ข Maritime: The potential of the Blue Economy

โ€ข Tourism: Enhancing the country's next growth engine

B. The Forum will look at 6 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN:

โ€ข No poverty

โ€ข Zero hunger

โ€ข Good health and wellbeing for people

โ€ข Quality education

โ€ข Decent work and economic growth

โ€ข Reducing inequalities

C. The Forum will also discuss the new Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sustainability reporting guidelines for publicly-listed companies (PLCs). It has to be understood what is today limited to PLCs will eventually become the requirements for all companies โ€“ for understandable reasons, taking the above SDGs seriously.

EITSC X NordCham Advisory Forum: Achieving Win-Win Approaches in Sustainable Development will be on June 20 (Thursday), 9AM to 5pm at Dusit Thani Manila. Get your tickets now!

For sponsorship opportunities:

Contact Irma Merza - Events and Marketing Manager

mobile: 0917.712.6792 or email: irma.merza@nordcham.com.ph

Jun 20, 2019

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM GMT+8

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Dusit Thani Manila
1223 Epifanio de los Santos Ave.
Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

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NordCham and PNBC members


  • 8:30 AM - 9:00 AMRegistration
    9:00 AM - 9:15 AMOpening Remarks

    Erik Moller Nielsen

    Chairman at European Innovation, Technology and Science Center (EITSC) Foundation

    9:15 AM - 9:45 AMKeynote: Implementing inclusive and sustainable growth in the Philippines Secretary Ernesto Pernia (invited) National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)

    Dr. Ernesto Pernia

    Secretary at National Economic and Development Authority

    9:45 AM - 10:15 AMCreating Sustainable Agriculture in the Philippines Prof. Rolando Dy (invited) University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P)

    Dr. Benigno Peczon

    President at Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines

    10:15 AM - 10:45 AMCreating the โ€˜Blue Philippinesโ€™ Doris Magsaysay-Ho (invited) Magsaysay Shipping & Logistics

    Doris Magsaysay-Ho

    President & CEO of Magsaysay Group of Companies

    10:45 AM - 11:15 AMSustainable Tourism: Enhancing the countryโ€™s next growth engine Usec. Benito Bengzon, Jr., Department of Tourism (DOT)

    Benito Bengzon, Jr.

    Undersecretary at Department of Tourism

    11:15 AM - 12:15 PMPanel Discussion and Open Forum
    12:15 PM - 1:15 PMLunch
    1:15 PM - 1:45 PMChair Person Emilio Aquino Securities and Exchange Commission

    Joann Eala

    Vice President - Head of Sustainable Energy Finance and Specialized Lending at BPI

    1:45 PM - 2:00 PMThe IKEA Group Approach to Sustainability

    Georg Platzer

    Market Development Manager and Store manager of IKEA Pasay City, IKEA Southeast Asia at Ikano Philippines Inc.

    2:00 PM - 2:45 PMLinking Both Houses of Congress, National and Local Governments, Business and Civil Society in achieving Win-Win Approaches in Sustainable Development Sen. Cynthia Villar Senate Committee Chair on Agriculture

    Senator Cynthia Villar

    2:45 PM - 3:30 PMOpen Forum
    3:30 PM - 3:45 PMClosing Remarks

    Henry Schumacher

    President at European Innovation, Technology and Science Center (EITSC) Foundation

    3:45 PM - 4:45 PMAfternoon snacks and networking


  • Benito Bengzon, Jr. (Undersecretary at Department of Tourism)

    Benito Bengzon, Jr.

    Undersecretary at Department of Tourism

    Read Bio
  • Joann Eala (Vice President - Head of Sustainable Energy Finance and Specialized Lending at BPI)

    Joann Eala

    Vice President - Head of Sustainable Energy Finance and Specialized Lending at BPI

    Read Bio
  • Doris Magsaysay-Ho (President & CEO of Magsaysay Group of Companies)

    Doris Magsaysay-Ho

    President & CEO of Magsaysay Group of Companies

    Read Bio
  • Erik Moller Nielsen (Chairman at European Innovation, Technology and Science Center (EITSC) Foundation)

    Erik Moller Nielsen

    Chairman at European Innovation, Technology and Science Center (EITSC) Foundation

    Read Bio
  • Dr. Benigno Peczon (President at Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines)

    Dr. Benigno Peczon

    President at Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines

    Read Bio
  • Dr. Ernesto Pernia (Secretary at National Economic and Development Authority)

    Dr. Ernesto Pernia

    Secretary at National Economic and Development Authority

    Read Bio
  • Georg Platzer (Market Development Manager and Store manager of IKEA Pasay City, IKEA Southeast Asia at Ikano Philippines Inc.)

    Georg Platzer

    Market Development Manager and Store manager of IKEA Pasay City, IKEA Southeast Asia at Ikano Philippines Inc.

    Read Bio
  • Henry Schumacher (President at European Innovation, Technology and Science Center (EITSC) Foundation)

    Henry Schumacher

    President at European Innovation, Technology and Science Center (EITSC) Foundation

    Read Bio
  • Senator Cynthia Villar

    Senator Cynthia Villar

    Read Bio


Sponsorship Proposal - EITSC Advocacy Forum on Sustainable Development.pdf